God said

God said
God saw that it was good

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Recount The Righteous Victories of The Lord

Judges 5:11 “Listen to the village musicians gathered at the watering holes. They recount the righteous victories of the Lord and the victories of his villagers in Israel. Then the people of the Lord marched down to the city gates.”

My job allows me to travel and to meet a variety of people everyday. I visit with them in their homes and in our short time together it is amazing to see how God will direct our conversations away from work and on to him. Many times over the past two years I have been able to share with people the miracles God has done in my life. How he has healed me physically. I share of the miracles God preformed in the healing of my body. I share with them my story but what amazes me is the stories they then share with me. Stories of how God has worked in their lives. Stories of sight being restored, sickness and diseases being healed. Stories of faith, healing and miracles.

I have also been blessed to be able to tell my story at churches, and with other groups. People will come up to me afterward and they will share with me what God has done in their lives or in the lives of family members. Paul said this, “When we get together, I want to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours. In this way, each of us will be a blessing to the other.” Romans 1:12

God wants us to gather and to recount His righteous victories. Each of us have a story to tell, stories of Miracles, stories of faith. I will end with one such story. This man was a chronic alcoholic. God delivered him from alcoholism yet shortly thereafter he lost his sight. At about that time a women he met at church offered him a job as an accountant. He said to her, “You realize I’m blind.” She responded, “God put it on my heart to hire you, so we will leave that part up to him.” He took the job, but he felt guilty going to work and not being able to do the job he was hired for. Shortly thereafter his sight was restored. The woman was right, She was faithful to do what God asked of her and God took care of his end of the bargain.

My faith has been greatly encouraged over the past two years, I would not have been so blessed if I had not opened up and shared my story with those around me. I encourage you to share your story with the people God puts in your path. “Recount the righteous victories of the Lord and in this way we will be a blessing to each other.”

1 comment:

  1. Great article! Yes, we need to share how God has moved in our lives.
