God said

God said
God saw that it was good

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Please Not Me

Exodus 6:30 “This is the same Moses who had argued with the Lord saying, I can’t do it! I’m no orator. Why should Pharaoh listen to me?”

God appeared to Moses in a burning bush and he commanded Moses to go to Pharaoh and to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Moses protested again and again, “How can you expect me to do that; They won’t listen to me; They won’t believe me; I’m not a good speaker; Please send someone else.  God spoke, He told Moses to go, yet Moses hesitated, he came up with excuses. Don’t we do the same thing.

I met a couple recently and the wife (I will call her D) told me this story. God had put it on her heart to go on a mission trip to South America. This ministry was focused on bringing large groups of people to help on building projects in South America. Immediately she came up with four reasons not to go.  Her reasons for not going were, I don’t want to sleep in a large barrack with a lot of other people. I don’t know the first thing about construction, I don’t do well among large groups, and we cannot afford it. D kept these excuses to herself but she told her niece, who heads up the trip, that she felt there was no way she could go. Her niece told her to pray about it.

D did pray and a week later her niece called her and told her the trip was set but it was going to be different this time. They were taking just a small group of people, and they were going to be staying in a hotel. Also they were not going to be on a building project because another ministry opportunity had come along. D said to me, after all this I still wasn’t convinced I should go, we still didn’t have the money.  I smiled thinking of Moses, the burning bush, God speaking from the bush, Mose’s staff turning into a snake, “No not me! I can’t do it!”.  D then told me how the next day she had two phone calls with temporary job offers. D and her husband both smiled as D told me she went on the trip and it was a life changing experience.

D’s story reminded me of the many times I have heard God’s voice and refused to listen. I can’t, I won’t, no! not me! How about you, are you arguing with God about something in your life right now? D’s niece had some great advice, “Just pray about it.”

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