To spend time thinking of death. To spend time experiencing all that surrounds death. I read a quote that said “Our culture prepares us for everything but death.” Jesus tried on a number of occasions to speak to His disciples about his coming death. They never wanted to listen, they changed the subject. It was not until after His death that they remembered His words. Jesus wanted to make sure the important things were said. “I will be killed but I will live again.---and in the world to come you too will have eternal life.” He taught of heaven and of Hell. He taught of the great gift of forgiveness for all who turn to Him. He has left us His word, explaining truth, giving us hope.
I just watched a movie titled “The Note”, the story involved a plane crash and a note written by a passenger just before they crashed. It was a note from a father to his child. It was a story of forgiveness and healing brought by a few words from a father with minutes to live and what he wanted to convey to his child before he died.
Minutes to live, a hastily written note, not much could be said, yet how many of us wish we could have one last word with someone we loved who has died. Words that would bring healing, comfort, guidance, forgiveness and hope. The father in the movie knew he had but minutes to live, he was going to die. We all have been given notice we are all going to die. It is just a matter of when.
We can write our note’s now. We can explore together the reality of Heaven and read together what the Bible says about Heaven. We can share or fears and our hopes. We can say the words that have not been said. We can forgive and comfort. We can lend guidance and help to bring hope. We can talk honestly to each other and when our time comes to leave this life for the next, the ones we leave behind will know that it is not good-bye but only see ya, until we meet again and celebrate together the joy of having eternal life with Christ our King.